Poles treated with DuraClimb® CCA with Climbing Additive have a refined hydrocarbon oil emulsion added in the outer layer of the pole following treatment. The viscous oil emulsion serves as a lubricant, making the surface condition of the pole easier to climb and to work on compared to traditional CCA poles.

Key Features
DuraClimb CCA/Climbing Additive treated poles contain a viscous oil additive which serves as a lubricant without impacting the preservative properties common to CCA treated poles. The result is excellent gaff penetration and a pole that’s easier for linemen to climb.
The emulsion additive makes these poles easier to saw, drill or nail into compared to traditional DuraPine CCA treated poles.
The surface hardness of Southern Yellow Pine poles treated with DuraClimb CCA/Climbing Additive is better than penta, and substantially improved over CCA.
DuraClimb CCA/Climbing Additive treated poles have been approved by the Rural Utility Service for use by our nation’s co-ops.