DuraPine® CCA treatment is a solution of chromated copper arsenate. The preservative has been formulated to protect poles and crossarms from becoming a food substance for termites and fungi while keeping the wood clean, odorless, non-staining, and safe to handle when used as recommended.

Key Features
DuraPine CCA is a fixed preservative which means there is very little migration of chemical. This often reduces the need for future groundline remedial treatment.
Our CCA treatment is an oxide, so no salt by-products can impact pole conductivity and corrosivity. The low conductivity of dry CCA poles provides linemen additional protection from potential current leakage.
Rural Utilities Service approved.
The need to rotate poles during storage is eliminated due to the preservatives fixed position.
DuraPine CCA treated poles are backed by a 50-year warranty against damage from termites and fungal decay.
For over 25 years, Koppers Carbon Materials & Chemicals business has been a quality manufacturer of CCA, ensuring a steady supply to meet future treatment needs.
AWPA Listed Uses for CCA Treated Wood
In accordance with the label on CCA preservative, CCA treated wood may be produced for the following uses as referenced in the 2019 AWPA standards - UC3B, UC4A, 4B, 4C, UC5A, 5B, 5C:
- Lumber and Timber (for Salt Water Use)
- Foundation and fresh water piles
- Poles
- Plywood
- Wood for Highway Construction
- Wood Used on Farms (Poles, Piles & Posts Used as Structural Members, Fence Posts & Plywood)
- Wood for Marine Construction
- Lumber and Plywood for Permanent Wood Foundations
- Round Poles and Posts Used in Building Construction
- Sawn Timber Used to Support Residential & Commercial Structures
- Sawn Crossarms
- Structural Glued-Laminated Members & Laminations before Gluing
- Lumber, Timbers & Plywood for Cooling Towers (2002 Book of Standards)
- Structural Composite Lumber
- Shakes & Shingles